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Mr Eaton's rooms are located at 12 Joynton Street Lenah Valley, in the Calvary Hospital complex. Access to the rooms is from Honora Avenue.

The practice manager is Mrs Kris Eaton.

We are open from 8.30 am to 4.30 pm, Monday to Friday and we close for lunch from 12 pm to 1.30 pm. Appointments are occasionally made outside these times.

To provide cover from Friday night until Monday morning, there is a rotational arrangement with other Hobart urologists Mr Ian Middleton, Mr Michael Vaughan, Mr Fadi Nuwayhid and Mr Frank Redwig. If you are in hospital over the weekend, you may be seen by one of these specialists.

Things our patients need to know

If you need to be seen urgently during open hours, please phone the rooms on 6228 2111. After hours, contact the nearest hospital emergency department. If you have recently had a procedure, it is best to contact the emergency department of the hospital where the procedure was done - they can contact me or the on-call urologist.

Emergency Departments

Calvary 6278 5333
Hobart Private 6214 3000
Royal Hobart 6222 8308


My appointments usually run on-time, however unforeseen delays and emergencies sometimes occur. If possible we will notify you in advance if a long delay is likely and on rare occasions we may need to re-book.

Patient documentation

Please complete a Patient Information Sheet, Consent to Collect Patient Information and Health Questionnaire, and bring them to your appointment, along with the referral from your GP or specialist.

Downloadable PDF version of these forms are available here and will also be enclosed in the patient information we send you.
